How To Get The Most Benefit Out Of Your Guitar Lessons

Guitar lessons are a lot of fun. Here’s how to progress quickly and get the most out of every lesson!

Take Notes

As you progress in your guitar lessons you’ll be getting a lot of information over time. From technique to guidance on how and what to practice to explanations of lesson content, this can be a lot to remember. You’re much more likely to understand and retain information if you write it down and review it, even once or twice. Bring a notebook and pen to your lesson and have it with you at your chair.

Ask Questions

If there is something that you don’t understand or if you’re not sure you’re doing something right, don’t hesitate to ask your instructor. If there is a dedicated Q & A during your lesson, be sure to take advantage.

Arrive A Least 5 Minutes Early

This gives you enough time to get a seat, get your guitar out of its case, get plugged in (if you play electric guitar), get tuned up, and start warming up. This way your lesson can start promptly on the hour.

Be Organized

Organize your lesson material in a dedicated 3-ring binder. (Get a 3-hole punch also to make it easy to put new material in your binder.) This will help you refer back to material when you are practicing or need it for class. As you develop as a player, you’ll want to go back and play songs and exercises from earlier on. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much easier this material is now and how much you’ve progressed.

minneapolis st paul mn guitar lessons


Be sure to practice what you learn in your guitar lessons. Get with your instructor to discuss how much to practice and how to make the most out of your practice time.

Think How The Concept You’re Working On Can Be Applied Elsewhere

As a beginner this one doesn’t apply as much. As you progress to an intermediate and/or advanced player take the concepts and exercises you’re working on and think about other ways you can use it. Can you move to other keys? Inversions? Different rhythms? Different styles? (If you have no idea how the heck to do this or what this means just skip this section).

Communicate With Your Instructor

Tell your instructor if there are songs, artists, or styles you’d like to learn. Let him or her know if your guitar playing goals have changed. Be sure to tell if there are classes you really enjoy or if there are some that you don’t enjoy as much.

Listen And Watch When The Instructor Is Demonstrating – Do Not Play!

If you’re playing, you’re almost definitely not listening. If you instructor is addressing you, stop playing and listen. Be sure to look up from your page or guitar and watch what your teacher is showing you.

When Assigned A Task – Keep At It

When your guitar teacher assigns a task or exercise in your lesson, don’t just play it once or twice. Keep playing until you get the ok to move on. There’s a reason why your instructor wants you to repeat what has been assigned, even if it’s not perfectly clear to you why that is.

Be Patient With Yourself

If you’re not getting something down as quickly as you’d like, that’s ok. Be patient with yourself. Sometimes certain things take some time to click. Everything you’re working on will compound. Even if you’re not seeing immediate results, you’re building the new neural pathways every time you work on something. Put in the effort. You will get whatever it is you’re working on!

Get to Know Your Fellow Students

Community makes lessons even more enjoyable. Music is way more fun when you’re making it with other people!

These tips will help you get the most out of your guitar lessons and have a ton of fun. Now, get your guitar out of it’s case and let’s get playing!

Get Started With Guitar Lessons in the Twin Cities Metro Area

If you’re looking for guitar lessons in Minneapolis or guitar lessons in St Paul MN, Twin Cities School of Guitar can help you be the player you’ve always wanted to be.

Click below to book your free intro lesson!

guitar lessons twin cities