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What is the Best Electric Guitar for Metal?
By: Vincent Dibona For over 50 years, heavy metal has remained a beloved genre of rock music, with a fiercely…

Basic Guitar Chords Every Beginner Should Know
by: Vince Dibona So, you’ve finally done it. You’ve made the decision to follow through on your desire to pick…

What Guitar Strings Should I Use?
by Tommaso Zillio One of the questions that I receive most often by my beginner students is: “What strings should…

Choosing the Best Electric Guitar for Blues
Blues is a relatively easy style of music to play but a difficult style to master. Selecting the best electric…

A Beginner’s Guide on How to Choose a Guitar
All guitar players know the excitement of buying a guitar. However, for beginners, this can be overwhelming if they don’t…

3 Very Good Reasons Why You Need To Learn The Notes On Your Guitar, And How To Do It
by Tommaso Zillio Lots of beginning and intermediate guitar players are scared that they have to learn the names of…