It’s time! You are going to do it! You are going to learn how to play the guitar! Awesome!
You want to learn on an acoustic guitar because you absolutely love them. Their looks, the feel and the sound absolutely motivate you to want to play.
The problem is that learning on an acoustic guitar can be a lot more difficult and you certainly do not want to start things on the wrong foot.
Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in a higher end acoustic guitar right away instead of buying a cheap beginner guitar so you can learn how to play faster and with less frustration.

1. They Look More Attractive
One of the best features of acoustic guitars is their looks. There is such a huge variety of woods and finishes available that it can make it difficult to choose!
One thing you may notice however is that the higher end the guitar, the better it looks in most cases.
They will have really nice inlays on the body, on the neck and even on the fretboard. The hardware tends to be higher quality and matches the rest of the guitar really well too.
Thanks to different and more expensive woods, you get a look that is unique compared to the typical low-end guitars which all look the same.
How does this help you learn how to play? The better the looks of the guitar, and the more you like it and are attracted to it, the more likely you will pick it up and be proud to play it.
2. They Feel More Comfortable
This is not as big of a deal as other factors. However higher-end acoustic guitars do tend to feel better in your hands.
They are designed and shaped differently than the low-end guitars and fit you and your body more comfortably.
If you pay more money you can get a thinner bodied guitar than the beginner models which are all large and bulky.
This makes it much easier to hold, play and manipulate so you can focus all of your attention to actually learning how to play and therefor progress faster.
I’ve taught many students how to play acoustic guitar and one thing I have noticed is the less distractions there are when you start the quicker you progress and have success.
3. The Sound Is Awesome
Beginner guitars are made with the cheapest possible materials and that is why they are so inexpensive.
They sound ok but when you start to try and play higher end guitars you start to notice a difference.
Depending on the manufacturer and the model you will get different types of sounds however as the quality of the guitar goes up the sound usually follows and becomes better and more unique.
Lower end guitars sound like an acoustic, but the sound is often muddy and unclear. As you move up the sound clears up and tends to be richer. The highs are higher and the lows are richer and have more power.
It takes long enough to get a good sound out of a guitar when first learning so you want it to be as good as possible right away. This helps motivate you to play because you will sound better quicker.
4. They Are Much Easier To Play
This is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a new acoustic guitar when you are just starting out.
Learning how to play guitar is not the easiest thing to do in the world. There are many physical hurdles you have to jump over and an acoustic makes it a bit more difficult to boot.
When you buy lower-end beginner acoustics the quality of the guitar is lower and it makes it more difficult to play. That’s because the main concern of the manufacturer and their sole focus is to produce a cheap guitar.
In order to make a guitar cheaper you have to sacrifice something and usually it is the quality and that typically translates into a guitar that is hard to play. Lower end guitars tend to have larger bodies and strings that are harder to press down.
When a manufacturer makes a higher end guitar they consider the playability on top of the quality right from the start. So, the end product will not only look good and use higher quality materials, it will be laid out better and be much easier to play.
It’s only logical that it would be easier and better to learn how to play guitar on one that is easier to play. Right?
5. They Help You With Your Commitment To Learn
This is the biggest and most important factor when you are looking to buy a new acoustic guitar.
Many people do not think about the emotional and psychological impact that buying a higher end acoustic guitar will have on their ultimate goal of learning how to play.
There is a lot of research on this subject that shows people will make a bigger commitment to the things they value most and be more likely to follow through with them.
When it comes to learning to play acoustic guitar, investing more money at the beginning sends clear signals to your brain that you are placing a very high value on this activity and you will make a much bigger commitment to it.
When things get difficult this mechanism will subconsciously help you overcome and not give up. When you start to doubt yourself, it will kick in. When life gets crazy you will continue towards your goal because you have made the commitment up front.

How To Pick The Right Acoustic Guitar For You
Because people are not sure and lack confidence when they start to learn to play acoustic guitar, they want to spend the least amount of money up front so they do not waste it.
Unfortunately, this is not a good way to get started because you are setting yourself up for failure psychologically. You are a lot more likely to be successful at something if you go in believing you can accomplish it.
You need to look at this as an investment into your dreams and goals. Almost all of the students I have are clear that learning to play guitar is very important to them and that they have wanted to get it done for a long time. So make a solid commitment to go for it.
That includes buying yourself a quality acoustic guitar right at the start. A guitar that you love to look at, which you find attractive. A guitar that feels good when you pick it up and is something you are proud to own.
When you own such a guitar it will be much easier to play so you will be able to learn quickly with less frustration and things will sound much better a lot sooner.
Most importantly, the bigger your investment into an acoustic guitar, the more value you will subconsciously attach to learning how to play it, and the more likely you will overcome problems and commit fully!
About The Author:
Maurice Richard is a professional guitar teacher that operates out of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He has been a member of an elite guitar teaching mentorship program since 2007 and has taught many people how to successfully play acoustic guitar.